Good Morning
As per our recent communication, two of the options for issue 10 of Tempo’s Long Kick-Out Plan had to close early, due to the challenging stock market environment. This environment (basically, stock market volatility has been decreasing as the stock market gradually ‘ticks up’, both in the UK and US) has meant that some of the best products being seen in the market sometimes have to close early. Tempo has now opened the continuation options for its Long Kick-Out Plan, which are therefore available to investors for the last few days of the offer period. To maximise the opportunity for clients to invest in these plans, to take advantage of the exceptional rates on offer, Best Price has agreed an extended cut-off date for final applications of Wednesday 4 December – providing 5 extra days to our clients (subject to the plans not having reached capacity again within this last few days). The terms Tempo’s plans are confirmed below. Both the Long Kick-Out Plan and the Long Growth Accelerator Plan offer exceptional rates for investors, across all five investment options. INDUSTRY FIRST NEW FEATURE FROM TEMPO … It is also worth highlighting that Tempo has introduced an industry first, NEW FEATURE, which we think is interesting. Partly in response to operating in a challenging pricing environment, which is highly unpredictable currently, Tempo’s plan brochures will now detail a ‘Tempo pledge: Stated terms or better’. This industry first will allow Tempo to increase the terms of a plan above those stated in its brochures during an offer period, if the stock market and other factors mean that they can do so. For example, while the Long Kick-Out Plan brochure may detail option 3 as offering 15%, if stock market movement and other factors mean that Tempo can increase this during the offer period, the actual, final terms may become say, 15.5%, which would be confirmed following the start date. THE LONG KICK-OUT PLAN Tempo’s Long Kick-Out Plan (counterparty Société Générale) optimises the popular kick-out strategy, through the simple step of combining a longer maximum term, with short term kick-out potential, and defensive index conditions. The potential annual returns of each option are: OPTION 1: OFFERS THE POTENTIAL FOR 11.25% P.A.: IF THE INDEX IS AT OR ABOVE 90% OF START LEVEL ON ANY KICK-OUT ANNIVERSARY DATE OPTION 2: OFFERS THE POTENTIAL FOR 8.55%% P.A.: IF THE INDEX IS AT OR ABOVE A LEVEL REDUCING BY 5% P.A. TO 65% OF START LEVEL AT END DATE OPTION 3: OFFERS THE PPOTENTIAL FOR 15% P.A.: IF THE INDEX IS AT OR ABOVE 100% OF START LEVEL ON ANY KICK-OUT ANNIVERSARY DATE These are the best terms in the market for comparable kick-out products. Best Price/Best Invest Compare advice service costs – compare terms = best investment value (best investor outcomes). THE LONG GROWTH ACCELERATOR PLAN Tempo’s Long Growth Accelerator Plan (counterparty Société Générale) is the only product of its kind in the market, combining a kick-out strategy at year 5 with a defensive ‘super tracker’ at year 10, in a ‘2 in 1’ strategy plan, which offers exceptional growth potential. The potential returns of each option are: OPTION 1: OFFERS THE POTENTIAL FOR 100% AT YEAR 5, IF THE INDEX IS AT OR ABOVE 100% OF START LEVEL, OR 4 X THE INDEX ABOVE 70% OF START LEVEL AT YEAR 10, TO A MAXIMUM RETURN OF 120% (PLUS CAPITAL) OPTION 2: OFFERS THE POTENTIAL FOR 165%% AT YEAR 5, IF THE INDEX IS AT OR ABOVE 100% OF START LEVEL, OR 6 X THE INDEX ABOVE 90% OF START LEVEL AT YEAR 10, TO A MAXIMUM RETURN OF 180% (PLUS CAPITAL) This plan really is exceptional … For Option 1, the potential kick-out return of 100% at Y5 is equivalent to 20% p.a. simple or 14.87% p.a. compound, while the maximum growth return of 120% at Y10 is equivalent to 12% p.a. simple or 8.20% p.a. compound. For Option 2, the potential kick-out return of 165% at Y5 is equivalent to 33% p.a. simple or 21.52% p.a. compound, while the maximum growth return of 180% at Y10 is equivalent to 18% p.a. simple or 10.84% p.a. compound. Simply put, we can’t think of any other investment fund or product more likely to deliver such strong double digit, compound returns, with a defensive risk / return profile, than this unique and innovative plan. ALL OF TEMPO’S PRODUCTS ARE ‘DELIBERATELY DEFENSIVE’ ALL of Tempo’s products are ‘deliberately defensive’, meaning that they are all designed so that they can generate some or all of their returns without requiring the market to rise, with a defined level of protection should the market fall. In addition, ALL of Tempo’s products benefit from the firm’s operational strength and approach to governance, are backed by strong issuers / counterparties, and are based on a single index, with a deep end-of-term barrier. These are the Tempo hallmarks: straightforward, lower risk structured products. We think this approach has real merits and can add real value for investors in balanced and diversified portfolios, in the current market environment. Notably, the terms from Tempo offer investors the best potential returns of any comparable* products currently available. For example: There are currently 17 defensive and step-down kick-out condition products, including Tempo’s Long Kick-Out Plan Option 1 and Option 2. >> Option 1 offers 11.25% p.a., with a 90% k/o condition throughout. The average return of the 15 other products, excluding Tempo’s LKO1 and LKO2, is 7.01% p.a. However, notably several products have higher (i.e. worse) end of term barriers and higher (i.e. worse) final step-down condition levels, etc. Re comparable step-down products to LKO2, only 4 other products step down to 65% at the final year, and the average of these is just 5.80% p.a. In addition,… >> Option 1 of Tempo’s Long Growth Accelerator Plan includes a kick-out feature, which offers an even higher potential return of 100% at year 5, which is equivalent to 20% p.a. (which is more than all kick-outs, including its own!). >> while Option 2 offers an incredible 165% at year 5, which is equivalent to an astonishing 33% p.a. (albeit requiring the index to have risen by 10%, over 5 years). Of course, and as always, please see the full plan literature for full details of these plans and the features, terms and conditions, including the risks. Comparisons to other products is based on analysis of products in the market as at 26.11.19, using FVC research reports, comparing potential returns and product features. It should be noted that the Tempo plans use an equal weight, fixed dividend version of the FTSE 100, known as the FTSE 100 FDEW. This was developed by FTSE Russell specifically with the aim of helping investment banks produce better terms on structured products. However, it should be noted that the FTSE 100 FDEW will perform differently to the FTSE 100, due to the equal weighting and the fixed dividend approach. This means that the returns from plans linked to it might be higher or lower than the returns from a similar product linked to the FTSE 100. DON’T FORGET THE RISKS https://www.bestpricefs.co.uk/tempo-structured-products/#risks As with all forms of investment there are risks involved. These plans do not guarantee to repay the money invested. The potential returns of the plans and repaying the money invested are linked to the level of the stock market and also depend on the financial stability of the Issuer and Counterparty Bank. Please ensure that you view the plan documents for full details of the features and the risks. ONLY AVAILABLE WITH ADVICE … BUT WITH A SPECIAL DISCOUNTED FEE FOR ADVICE AND TERMS THIS GOOD, WHY WOULDN’T YOU … Tempo’s products can only be accessed with advice, however unlike many ‘execution only’ discount service providers Best Price is able to offer advised service and offers a special discount ‘best price’ of just 1% for doing so. The promotion of the plans does not constitute ‘advice’ to invest. Advice is always specific to an individual investor’s circumstances and needs, following the process of ‘know your customer’, with the aim of ensuring that any product is suitable for an investor. As we said in our introduction, the potential returns on offer from Tempo in this suite of products are so exceptional compared to all other products available that paying 1% for advice (as opposed to 0.5% without advice), to access products offering significantly greater potential returns is an offer worth considering. And just to make this offer really hard to beat … if you can find published advice services for these products at a lower cost in the UK, we’ll do it for free! TO FIND OUT MORE To access the literature for these products: Tempo is our first ‘Star Structured Product Provider’, consistently raising the bar in the sector with its approach – including its new ‘Stated terms of better’ pledge. In addition to all the good things that Tempo does (its mantra is ‘doing the right things – and doing simple well’), the terms of their products are exceptional – and demand for their products is high. Issue 9 and Issue 10 both closed early due to the challenging stock market environment and investor demand. Further, we understand from Tempo that they may delay the launch of Issue 11, due to the uncertainty of the general election. So, if you want to invest into these Tempo plans and take advantage of these current terms. please do consider doing so in the next few days. As always, please contact us to discuss any aspect of the products. Best Regards Richard and the Best Price FS Team |