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To Tax Year End

Investment Markets


2019 started as 2018 left off – remaining volatile, although January ended as the best ‘January’ in 3 decades, on the heels of the worst December for investment markets since 1931. Political turbulence remains – with the looming US-China trade talks and the B-word… (Brexit!) remaining an everyday focus.

Will the Federal Reserve pause in relation to interest rate rises, or make a call that rates should be ‘normalised’ moving to the ‘neutral rate’ as opportunities to increase rates develop?

Inflation remains flat so there is little pressure to increase at present as political factors continue to create uncertainty … nevertheless, there is likely to be a development on inflation or the need for rate increases near term… The Fed and other central banks are watching the data for reasons and evidence to act…

There is no reason to ‘chase the bounce’ with investment markets, although the bounce has created a reason to take ‘stock’ of assets and asset allocations moving forward. All investors should consider their position at this stage and re-focus on their medium to longer term planning needs…

Thankfully, the Emerging Market sector has recovered a little so a focus on asset allocation is essential, ensuring diversity of spread, not only across sectors but asset managers within sectors, in order to risk manage and deliver best investment outcomes.


Tax year end is looming – Essential Action points…….

Hopefully you will have already read our recent communication in relation to 2018/19 tax planning checklist – Use it or lose it!, along with the article ‘Tax year end is looming’. The two links are appended below for your easy access…..

Tax planning checklist – https://www.bestpricefs.co.uk/blog/your-2018-2019-tax-planning-checklist/

Tax year end is looming – https://www.bestpricefs.co.uk/blog/tax-year-end-is-looming/


Pensions and Tax Allowance impacts

Pension Planning has become an essential area that requires addressing prior to Tax Year End, especially for those impacted by:
• Annual Allowances
• Tapered Annual Allowances, for which there are many now impacted
• Carry forward
• The Money Purchase Annual Allowance and the triggers
• Exceeding Annual Allowances
• The Lifetime Allowance

Pension considerations at Tax Year End

We attach a video produced by Fidelity, interviewing tax experts Paul Kennedy and Paul Squirrell, discussing important considerations when calculating pension allowances.


Those pension clients who have been impacted by the taxes and the impact of the allowances know that the issues are complex.

We would certainly not expect clients to understand the full details of the rules but gathering a general picture of the impact and the need to pay attention to the Government’s regulations and rules surrounding pensions is certainly helpful for all who are impacted by the reduction in allowances.

We have previously informed clients of the increase in the Lifetime Allowance (LTA), up from £1.03 million to £1.055 million in the coming tax year (2019/20). Again, attached is a link to the Budget Summary – https://www.bestpricefs.co.uk/blog/budget-2018-summary-what-it-means-for-you-the-investor-the-insurance-consumer-and-being-financially-prepare/

Using Allowances

Using allowances is so very important, sheltering hard earned money from the impact of tax on such simple savings, such as cash on deposit, all savers should use ISA allowances where appropriate.


If you have financial planning needs, simply get in touch so we can assist you to position your hard earned money into the best products at the best price….

Warm Regards.


Best Price FS Team