Where should i buy insurance from?
Insurance, eye roll, is one of those things that we all wonder about. Why do we need it? Is it really necessary? But it’s such a waste of money! Right?
Well we understand. We do, honestly!
However when you experience a situation that has gone horribly wrong like, for instance a car crash, or dropping your phone down the loo, it is only then that you can understand the value of insurance, and with that the cover you have with the policy you have purchased.
Most of us have experienced having phone insurance, the phone dropping in water and then the insurance does not cover water damage, and then not being able to have like for like in return if anything at all. And this is exactly where we start losing trust in insurance companies. This can prove familiar in all sorts of insurance cover so we suggest you read the small print and not choose the cheapest option but the most comprehensive cover for the best price.
Usually insurance is purchased alongside the larger purchase e.g home and contents insurance alongside your mortgage or through your bank. However because car insurance has been made a necessity and to look at a renewal every year, people have become more savvy as to how to purchase it. It is now more likely that customers will go straight to a comparison website to find the cheapest insurance.
Do you know what the problem is with these insurance situations? They usually involve higher commission rates and not very comprehensive cover.
Where do you buy the cheapest insurance?
Well this is a difficult question to answer as there is a lot of smoke and mirrors present. It is true to say that most brokers take around 30%. Comparison sites also hike up the commission rates so that they can take a loss if they are ‘not’ the cheapest. Comparison sites, although they appear to ‘scour’ the websites for the cheapest insurance it can actually be the most expensive.
What’s the alternative? Going straight to the broker? Well actually this can also prove more expensive because the comparison sites deal with lots of customers and purchasers they have numbers to play with and can therefore sometimes turn out cheaper than the direct route. Craziness.
At Best Price FS we decided to try and turn commission on its head. Yes we are a broker but we have made a promise that we take less commission so we can offer the most comprehensive cover at the best price. We might not be the cheapest insurance but we will always offer the best value insurance for your money.
Here is an interesting article to learn more: https://www.moneywise.co.uk/bills/shopping/truth-about-comparison-websites
And that’s where we come in – it is our mission to offer just that. Take a look at what we offer.