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5 Star Defaqto Rating

Our Paymentshield Home Insurance product is rated as Five Star by Defaqto. Ok, so the next question is why a 5 Star Defaqto Rating matters to you and why this is a great option for anyone looking for Home Insurance.

By the nature of any insurance, it is supposed to work when there’s trouble and stress in your life. It is a back up plan for you and your family when things go wrong. Not many things in life are as emotive as your home, so when there’s a problem with it, you don’t want to be adding other worries into the mix. ‘Will my insurance cover this?’ is never a good start but it’s where most will end up going first.

Best Price FS has been at the forefront of curating the right products for your insurance needs for years and best of all we get the right products at the… best price. We lower our commission to allow you to be at the front of the money saving queue. Our Paymentshield Home Insurance is usually a product that’s sold when you buy a house, by the people that sell it to you as they can make a nice commission on the sale at the point when a new home is on the books. We knew it was a great product that has been sold to many thousands of people and was awarded the 5 Star Defaqto Rating.

Here is a Defaqto video about their star ratings that is attached to our Paymentshiled Home Insurance.

Defaqto: Star Ratings from Defaqto on Vimeo.

Impressive right? They are experts that know their stuff, and we know they know their stuff so we can let you know that, we know they know their stuff and pass that on to you. A 5 Star Defaqto Rating is not easy to achieve and more importantly, a 5 Star Defaqto Rating is a quality rated product so getting it at a discount is an amazing opportunity to get something better for less.

Tap the image below to have a look at or Home Insurance product and we think you’ll agree it’s a great option for anyone wanting Home Insurance.

5 Star Defaqto Rating